Day 18: Rest day in Charleroi

Went to sleep late but on a super happy note after talking to the couple in the lounge area, and then Cedric from Luxembourg … finally climbed in bed about 2am. The 6-person dorm room was FULL. Had a good sleep, but too short. About 9am I got on my phone and tried to decide what to do next. My gut was telling me to stay put. Paused that thought for a sec and went down to breakfast, which was INCLUDED in the $37ish cost. That solidified the notion of staying one more night here. I don’t have to be in Antwerp until tomorrow, and as I was checking lodging prices there, the Saturday night rate was getting a little beyond my budget. 

SO! Looked online and where I am showed sold out — luckily that was not the case. This is SUCH a great place … I really can’t say enough. Opportunities to socialize, nice staff, FOOD … But the front desk was able to move me to a single room (which I actually wanted — dorm style is fine, but for another $15 or so I can be loud or talk on the phone or have the light on and do my thing). 

So yay. Got that all situated, had good breakfast and coffee, and then headed out to wander. 

It seemed like a ghost town. What’s up? Ahhh. Armistice Day. I’m 9 hours ahead … didn’t quite factor that in. Everything is closed. Plus. This neighborhood is a little sketch. But. It is what it is, and I’m just happy to be here.

A few shops & restaurants here and there. Charleroi isn’t really a big “tourist hub” anyway, so it was just the permission I needed to get some snacks and go back to the hostel and watch a few episodes of The Morning Show. Here now. Typing. In the lounge area. Feeling actually a little bit like I know what I’m doing.

Before I came down here with my laptop, I unpacked my entire suitcase/backpack. Found a bunch of unused underwear … so that’s a bonus. Getting resorted. I’m starting to jot down a few tidbits to remember next time … 

My auntie and another friend on Facebook asked me about the Europe vibe. I still can’t quite put my finger on it, but it’s …

… a feast. colorful. tapestry. ease. slow is smooth and smooth is fast. it’s frenetic, but intentional. 

it is easier to be healthy here. that makes me happy to be here, but a little sad about how we live in the US. I’m going to try to be skillful here, but you just do not see overweight people here. As someone who has lost 50 pounds in the last year, I KNOW this life. I’m cautious and mean no shame. But man. I make very intentional food choices in the US based on what’s in front of me. It is less difficult here to make good choices. I’m missing fruit (berries specifically), but maybe just out of season. And I’m WAYYYYYYY off my regular diet — eating more bread, pastries, baked goods because that has been accessible, but my tummy so far has not rebelled. I’ve always heard the stories about wheat/bread/gluten tolerance being different in Europe – but IT. IS. TRUE. 

I haven’t worried about it … I’m eating what is accessible and what is fueling, but it’s definitely different … chicken curry sub at the airport, and “big giant” cheeseburger of some sort on the way to the show last night because I hadn’t eaten since the sub on the airplane. 

Lots of protein this morning though … better than any continental breakfast I’ve seen at “better” hotels in the US … trays of meat and cheese, hard boiled eggs. and Coffee machine 😉 … I’m finally learning which buttons to push. 

So … I don’t know. What is the vibe. Healthy energy. Diversity. Melting pot. Energy … the energy. 

So anyway. Photos will be few today. I needed to chill. It is a great day. Off to Antwerp tomorrow. 

And now I’m listing to Supertramp – Give a little bit. Always brings the emotion – ngl xoxoxoxo.

Early evening …

This place has SUCH GOOD ENERGY. Not an air of pretension or smallness.

There is a big group at some tables, a few others playing pool, and a family with two girls playing a version of “all around the mulberry bush” with a cushion. Often in this scenario I would just hang out in my room, but it makes me want to be here. So here I sit on my laptop. ;). 

Texted with my sis & bro-in-law about rice, and then had a good long messenger video chat with mom. She asked me about my plans for pick-up in the airport in Seattle. hahahahaha. That’s 9 days away. At this point in euro train bus car walking navigation, I feel like that will be a very small thing to accomplish ;).